Research shows children need time to play as it gives them a break from their everyday stressors just as we adults need our downtime. After all, many of us adults work 8 hours a day, close to the same amount of time children spend in the classroom, and we all look forward to going home and being able to unwind. More importantly, free time actually promotes growth and by providing space for children to play they learn valuable tools such as communication skills, problem solving and best of all research shows a reduction in anxiety and stress. Researchers have also found that children who are over-scheduled often feel overwhelmed and pressured, which can lead to a number of problems including behavioral issues and emotional challenges.

As a result, we will continue to provide a program that allows time for the children to play and engage with one another. Whether it involves riding scooters while playing a life size version of hungry hungry hippos, a game of soccer or kickball, or a board game with each other or staff, we will continue to give all children the ability to come and have fun after a long school day!

After a long school day, our staff strive to provide an environment where children can have fun with their friends. Whether it is designing festive decorations, making some delicious treats, working on a STEM project, or learning a new game, our teachers continuously find ways to engage the children in activities after school and on camp days. By introducing students to new games or letting them creatively explore art materials, it helps to broaden children’s interests and learn new skills. Additionally, the group activities promote positive social interaction and problem solving. Teachers also set aside time to complete homework in the afternoons. If you have questions about enrollment availability, please contact the on-site Director at your campus.

Students are provided opportunities to work on their homework while in our programs, and our staff is available to assist if needed. However, we strongly believe, and research studies support, that students need free time when they aren’t in school. As a result, we are committed to giving students an outlet for their energy as well as time to destress from the rigors of school.

We are a licensed program and must adhere to child to teacher ratios required by the state. Availability is not guaranteed. Enrollment is on a first come, first served basis with priority for enrollment going to children currently enrolled in our programs. Please contact the on-site director for enrollment information.

We are approved School Readiness providers.

Current Registration Fees and Weekly Tuition rates:

$50.00 Registration Fee per child

$40.00 Before Care only

$80.00 After Care only

$90.00 Before and After Care

(rates are subject to change)

Program Hours of Operation:

· Before Care is available from 7:00am-8:15am.

· After Care hours are from 3:10pm-5:45pm.

· Our program closes promptly at 5:45pm. Families will be charged $1.00 per minute, per child for every minute a child is picked up after 5:45pm. Repeated late pick-ups may result in disenrollment from our programs.

· A two-week notice is required should you choose to disenroll your child from our programs. Break Week Policies:

· During holiday breaks (Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring), if your home campus is open for care, tuition is due regardless of attendance.

· If your home campus is closed and does not offer care and your child does not attend another location, tuition will not be charged.

· Pre-Registration for non-school days is required.

· For children enrolled in both Before and After Care, there is no additional fee for full day care. For children enrolled in only Before Care, there is an additional $25 per day charge to attend a camp in-service day or camp break weeks.

· For children enrolled in VPK only (9am-12pm) program, there is an additional $25 per day charge to attend a camp in-service day or camp break weeks.

· Care is available at some locations during county in-service days and holiday breaks. Availability during school closures vary across locations. Please speak with the onsite Director for specific information about closures at your location.

· During break weeks, children must bring their own snacks, lunches, and water bottles. School breakfast and lunch are not available.

· Uniforms are not required.