We, Superior Early Learning Center will not be collecting data.
Please note: Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact our office by phone or in writing.

Anonymous usage statistics are collected in reference to the type of browser you are using, your location, and pages of our websites that you visit. Cookie scripts are set to your browser from Google. Third party services that are handling payments are collecting information while you are browsing their websites in order to perform these services. This policy may be updated periodically, so please check back from time to time.

When you use a contact form on our website, we use your email so we can respond to you. However, information will not be disclosed to third parties for advertising or promotional purposes or other government agencies, unless required by state or federal law. Please note that Florida’s public records law requires that all information received in connection with state business be made available to anyone upon request, unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. If information is required by law to be disclosed about you, then every effort to notify you about the disclosure in advance will be taken.