Our VPK classrooms are assessed using the CLASS (Classroom Assessment Scoring System) observation tool. Designed to measure effective teaching and improve the quality of teacher-child interactions, our teachers have been observed by certified Early Learning Coalition providers. The results have been positively overwhelming. The specific feedback teachers have been provided with gives them with the chance to reflect on their performance across three different domains: Emotional Support, Classroom Organization, and Instructional Support. The scores and data we have received will help our teachers to continuously work toward improving positive student outcomes.

Through grant funding, our teachers have also been provided with the opportunity to receive additional training to better understand the importance and benefits of highquality interactions in the classroom. Several our teachers have opted to participate in these trainings which are being facilitated by the Early Learning Coalition. The trainings being offered are specific to both Infant/Toddler and Preschool settings. The knowledge and insight that these trainings provide will help to increase the quality of child-teacher interactions and will ultimately drive student success even higher in our classrooms.