- Designation: CEO
Name: Jenny Tsantilas
Title: CEO
My passion for education began in 2004 after forming the first Plato Academy Charter School with Steve Christopoulos. After seeing the critical need for those in educational leadership to also have an understanding of how to effectively manage, I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Management and Organizational Leadership, then continued my education at USF where I earned my Master’s Degree in Education. Currently, as the CEO of Superior Schools Early Learning, I oversee 10 quality pre-schools in Hillsborough, Pinellas, and Pasco counties with plans to open three more locations in 2023. We are also the before and after-school provider at all of the Plato Academy Charter Schools, in addition to offering summer camps throughout Pinellas and Pasco counties. While providing comprehensive educational services I also oversee the building of new charter schools. From beginning with one school and one preschool to now having 10 preschools, I have poured my heart into these schools doing everything I possibly could to make them a fun, safe, and reliable learning environment for the students. For me, the most exciting aspect of being an education administrator is creating an environment where we combine learning and fun to ensure that our students look forward to coming to school every day and continue to learn and thrive. Most importantly, I consider Plato Academy/ Superior Schools like family because my family and I worked so hard to make our schools what they are today. I have had the privilege of working with some of the greatest administrators and teachers in Florida and I am looking forward to our continued growth in 2023.